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1/12 S1



S1 section is responsible for the daily accountability and strength reporting of a Task Force with and approximate daily total of 940 Soldiers and civilian contractors. Normal garrison operations such as daily PERSTAT, USR, promotion boards, evaluation status, re-enlistment, legal, Personnel Asset Inventory, Postal operations continue.  In addition, theater specific tasks such as Casualty reporting within two hours of the incident taking place and subsequent Personal Effects tracking from Mortuary Affairs to Aberdeen, MD, Red Cross Message tracking and notification and subsequent emergency leave redeployments.  Lastly, Environmental Leave and Qatar manifest operations, and coordinating with Flight Operations to receive replacements and late-deployers required the bulk of man-hours during the first half of the deployment. 


Due to continuous combat operations, the S1 section assumed multiple duties and responsibilities which are normally conducted at the company level.  For instance, the Adjutant was assigned to be the Hostile Fire 15-6 Investigating Officer, Summary Court Martial Officer for personal effects on numerous occasions and the de-facto Congressional Response Officer.  In addition, the S1 section assisted the S3 section with taskings and Troop school packets such as Tank and Bradley Master Gunner.  Despite the additional duties that are not traditionally associated with S1 functions, it didn’t hinder the accomplishment of their primary mission. 


Throughout OIF 06-08, the S1 section conducted numerous, highly successful award ceremonies involving the MNC-I Commanding General, MND-N Commanding General, Arrowhead Brigade Commander, and the Greywolf Brigade Commander.  The section was awarded several Army Commendation Medals and every member received either a MNC-I or MND-N CG Coin for their efficiency in support of combat operations during Operation ARROWHEAD RIPPER. 



a. End of Tour Awards

   1. "Cookie Cutter” EOT ARCOM & personalized BSM

   2. Brigade established one standard bullet and citation for all EOT        ARCOM.

   3. This enabled the section to mass produce all EOT ARCOM and          allowed the companies to focus on the mission.

   4. Resulted in a very efficient and effective EOT ARCOM submittal        process.

b. End of Tour Awards submission deadline

  1. All EOT awards were due to Brigade at the BOG + 5 months

  2. The early deadline did result in some awards that were downgraded, however, MFR that highlighted accomplishments after the award was originally submitted rectified deserving Soldiers whose awards were originally downgraded. Early deadline greatly assisted S1 because it allowed the section to focus solely on redeployment.

  3. Recommender has to accurately forecast/predict what the Awardee will accomplish.  Resulted in some awards downgraded but the COC was helpful in correcting these oversights.

  4. Recommend that EOT Awards be due BOG + 6 or 7 months in order to allow more pertinent facts for BSM narratives.

c. DD93/SGLI

  1.  Some casualties DD93/SGLI wasn’t signed or it was inaccurate.

  2. Resulted in delayed notification of NOK or Casualty Assistance          had the wrong address.

  3. Ensure 100% Soldiers, no exceptions, validate their documents         prior to deploying, once arriving into final destination in theater,       after R&R leave, and prior to leaving theater.

  4. Ensure Soldiers validate the accuracy of their DD93/SGLI,               especially after R&R leave (change in marital status or new             born kids).

d. Sworn Statements & Awards

  1.  2 x Sworn Statements should accompany every award to take          into account kick backs from higher HQ. 

  2. Sworn Statements required for all awards when the event               occurred more than 45 days after time of approval.  This caused       numerous delays because 45 days would pass on a lot of awards       before Division approved the award. 

  3. Submit 2 x sworn statements for all awards where the approval       authority of Division or higher (BSM, CIB/CAB/CMB, Purple             Heart). 

  4. See above.

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