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Army Regulation 600-82



The regimental system of honorary positions is a Department of the Army Program governed by Army Regulation 600-82 which applies to the Active Army and the U.S. Army Reserves but not the National Guard.

The special appointees to the honorary positions of Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, Honorary Sergeants Major of the Regiment and Distinguished Member of the Regiment provide a link with history for today's soldiers. The primary mission of these special appointees is to perpetuate the history and traditions of the Regiment, thereby enhancing unit morale and esprit. The Honorary Member of the Regiment is designed to recognize nonregimental members for their service to the Regiment.

  • Honorary Colonel of the Regiment (HCOR) - The HCOR is a distinguished retired commissioned officer in the rank of Colonel or above, with former service in the 12th Cavalry Regiment. His duties are ceremonial and do not conflict with the chain of command. Attendance at regimental functions is by invitation and participation is encouraged. The HCOR assists in fostering regimental esprit, traditions, and perpetuation of the history of the Regiment. The HCOR appointee is also appointed as a  Distinguished Member of the Regiment. The HCOR oversees other honorary position programs and their maintenance. This individual serves a term of three years but can be re-appointed.

  • Honorary Sergeants Major of the Regiment (HSGMOR) - The HSMGOR is a distinguished retired NCO in the rank of Sergeant First Class (SFC) or above with prior service in the 12th Cavalry Regiment. His duties are ceremonial and do not conflict with the chain of command. Attendance at regimental functions is by invitation and participation is encouraged. The position offers to the Regiment the prestige, stature and experience of the noncommissioned officer appointed as HSGMOR. He will assist the HCOR in perpetuating of the history of the Regiment. The HSGMOR will be appointed as a Distinguished Member of the Regiment simultaneously with their appointment as HSGMOR. This individual serves a term of three years but can be re-appointed.

  • Distinguished Member of the Regiment (DMOR) - The DMOR is a former member of the 12th Cavalry Regiment recognized for their service to their country and their community. The names of individuals selected by the HCOR for nomination as a DMOR are sent to the active duty regiment for processing and forwarding to the Commander, U. S. Army Armor School for final approval.

  • Honorary Member of the Regiment (HMOR) - The HMOR is a soldier, spouse or other individual who has made a contribution or provided a service to the regiment, but who is not a member of the 12th Cavalry Regiment. This is a way to recognize others who have contributed so much to the regiment and its association. The names of individuals selected by the HCOR for nomination as a HMOR are sent to the active duty regiment for processing and forwarding to the Commander, U. S. Army Armor School for final approval.

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9475 Oxley Road Athens, Ohio 45701

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