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Messages from the

Honorary Colonel of the Regiment

Colonel (R) Jim Dingeman


Veterans Day 2012


Let us all remember our departed 12th Cav Assn. President Bob "the Professor" Magruder. One fine man and a great soldier of the 12th Cav Regiment. He will be sorely missed.

Warmest greetings to all. You veterans can stand tall because this is the day that our country says,"WELCOME HOME AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE." May we always be the Home of the Brave and believe in our country's "IN GOD WE TRUST" - a statement that helped us in our combat days. Remember that you are the the Brave who kept our home FREE.

My recent visit, along with Jim Stokely, to an Indian Reservation to present long delayed awards to one of our departed 12th Cav -Nam Veterans- reminded me that PTSD was a silent killer and affected and still affects many of our combat brothers. Help them if you can, they deserve it, need it and sometimes it takes a friend to make them recognize this problem.

Let us hope our country heals some of the jabs of the recent election. The Army and us Veterans just keep rolling along.

Hope to see you all at our 1st CAV REUNION at Ft. Hood on 6-9 June 2013. These reunions are always special and hopefully some of our 12th Cav Active Troopers will be home after years of combat in the Iraq and Afghanistan Theater of Operations.






Veterans Day 2010

On this day, we veterans remember our fallen comrades, our brothers in combat, we shall not forget them in our entire lives. We remember the respect, order, accountability and responsibility that was an integral part of our military experience. It shaped our lives. Those that gave all are remembered with great respect. We live in the land of the free because of the brave.

Combat days are still vivid to us all. Remembering the fear, intensity and the unknown of what is happening and then taking action to due your part in the team effort to make it through the day. Our 12th CAV troopers were "Always Ready" to meet and overcome the challenge.

Let us not forget that our 1/12 and 2/12 young soldiers are in Iraq or training to deploy. Modern warfare may utilize different weapons and technology than earlier conflicts but combat stress is still the same. These young men and women still carry our colors high and with pride. Keep them safe.

A special thanks to our wives, parents and children who provided support and understanding to us all. They kept the home fires burning bright, suffered in the loss of loved ones and have stood by us through bad times and good. We owe them a lot. Thank you all.

Keep well and be "ALWAYS READY'' to stand tall for our great country.


Jim Dingeman
Honorary Colonel

July 4, 2010

Warmest 4th of July Greetings to all.  Remember those who make it possible for our country to be free and independent and those who continue to serve to keep it that way. Our military can stand tall because of it's dedication to protect our country's values we remain a free country.

Enjoy the day, watch those Hot Dogs and other items because they will stay with you for some time.

God Bless and Keep Well.

Jim Dingeman


July 4, 2009

To all a warm, great and glorious 4th of July Greeting.  Remember that Patriotism is still a vital force in our country and it is not a sin to celebrate this fact, the 4th is more than beer, picnics and baseball games.  We celebrate our country's  independence and strong tradition of freedom, individual rights and the pursuit of happiness.  WE soldiers, past and present made this dream a reality. 

Our earlier patriots paid a significant price to afford us the privilege of living out the American dream. Let us by word and deed be worthy of this responsibility. 

Have a safe and happy holiday and remember that our 1/12th Cavalry and their fellow soldiers in Iraq and elsewhere in harms way continue to make this Independence Holiday possible. 

Keep them in your prayers.

Keep Well and God Bless.



Memorial Day 2009

Warmest personal greetings to all our brotherhood of warriors of the 12th Cavalry.  

On this Memorial Day let us pause to remember and reflect upon the memories of our fallen comrades. There "but for the Grace of God go I".  Those who fought with us will never be forgotten.

Remember to live a life that is useful, virtuous, worthy, moral and meaningful and "ALWAYS BE PREPARED' to help your fellow man. 

I salute you all and reflect back on bygone days with sorrow but with pride those who "gave  all".  

Let us remember we can still "give some".

I am proud of our 12th Cavalry past, present and look forward to a positive future.

GOD BLESS and keep well.



Colonel, USA (R)
Honorary Colonel of the Regiment
12th Cavalry Regiment 

Christmas 2008


The Honorary Colonel -Jim Dingeman and -Sylvia send our warmest greetings for a Merry Christmas and a healthy, positive and Happy New Year. 

I am proud and humble to be associated with my fellow soldiers who earned the right to be called defenders of our way of life. 

Stand Tall and "Be Prepared" to continue to serve our country.  Keep our young Troopers in harms way, Iraq and elsewhere, in your prayers.  They hold our Colors high and with determination to get the job done.

God Bless.


James W. Dingeman
Colonel USA(R)
Honorary Colonel of the 12th Cavalry Regiment

Veterans Day 2008

To our Veterans and active duty Troopers
Stand tall you Veterans and fighting Troopers, you have earned the respect of our Country. 

For those who served under my command
I value your trust and remember your actions with pride. We did the job they assigned us. It is most meaningful to me that after all these years- some 40 plus-we all share such a common bond and remember each other with respect and positive thoughts.

To all the 12th Cav family
Thank you for your service and WELCOME HOME.

To our active duty troopers
You are our representatives on the combat front - we look on your devotion to duty with pride and understanding. You are always in our prayers.

To all
See our 12th Legend in action today, remember the part you played in it, see the truth in the efforts, pursue the legend, act the legend and live the legend.  



James W. Dingeman
Colonel USA(R)
Honorary Colonel of the 12th Cavalry Regiment

July 4, 2008

Warmest Greetings to all.

The veterans of the 12th Cavalry can Stand Tall as you helped defend your country and keep it the home of the brave and the land of the free.

That was a great Reunion in Jacksonville and my thanks to those who attended- and we had a wonderful 12th Cavalry Luncheon. 

Our active duty Troopers continue to serve with honor and courage, our 2/12 Cav is now back in Iraq and please keep these young men and their families in your prayers.  Also  1/12 will also be on the move in the very near future. 

There is a lot of talk about patriotism- we know what that means- those who served and earned the right to be called Veterans- they are the true Patriots.  Thank you all for your service- I am proud to be one of you.

God Bless and keep well.

Jim Dingeman
Colonel USA(R)

Honorary Colonel of the 12th Cavalry Regiment

Memorial Day 2008

Memorial Day 2008 is a day for remembering our fallen comrades who gave their lives so that we and our country may live. We join in a prayer of understanding for their families and loved ones. Remember, we will not forget them for their deeds and sacrifices,  they will always be with us.

Our active duty troopers make our country safe and are  "Always Ready"  warriors to answer the call to duty. Keep up the great work; we are proud of you and you have our support all the way. Thank you for your service.  

God Bless those we remember with heavy hearts but with pride. 



With great respect:

             JAMES W. DINGEMAN
             COLONEL USA(R)

1st Cavalry Division Operation Iraqi Freedom Memorial
Rededication Ceremony
May 16, 2008



Wanted to let you know that all the 12th Cavalry Regiment family will be with you on this day.  I know it is hard to accept that we have lost friends and comrades  but such is the price of being a soldier.  

"To the fallen soldiers let us sing.  Where no rockets fly and bullets sing. To our broken brothers let us bring. The thanks of our nation and let freedom ring." 

All have given new luster and pride to our Regiment and they will not be forgotten. 

Welcome Home fellow soldiers to the home of the Lord.


Jim Dingeman,
Honorary Colonel
12th Cavalry Regiment    


Photo by Charlie Bader

Webmaster note: Thirty-eight names from the 12th Cavalry Regiment and its attached units were added to the 1st Cavalry Division OIF Memorial.

Christmas 2007


 Christmas and Holiday Greetings to the 12th Cavalry family:

The Honorary Colonel of the 12th Cavalry Regiment send his warmest Holiday and Christmas greetings to all our 12th Cavalry family.

The Regiment got the best Christmas gift ever when our two Battalions - 1/12 Cavalry and 2/12 Cavalry closed into home stations - Ft. Hood and Ft. Bliss- before Christmas.  WELCOME HOME OUR FELLOW COMBAT VETERANS OF OUR GREAT REGIMENT.

All of you "BE PREPARED' to help each  other adjust to your new environment and conditions. Those of us who served overseas in prior conflicts know the adjustment problems can be solved with understanding and love.  I know you are up to the task.

WELCOME HOME 12th Cavalry  Troopers .  We are proud of your actions in Iraq.  You held our Colors High

God Bless, 

Merry  Christmas and Happy New Year  to all.


James W. Dingeman
Colonel USA (R)
Honorary Colonel 12th Cavalry Regiment

Veterans Day 2007


 On this day I want to express to all members of our Regiment , thank you for your service and dedication to defend our people and all that our country stands for.  We remember those who gave their lives as we observe this Veterans Day.


To our Active duty troopers in Iraq, you join the rosters of our Veterans, as you continue your tough mission in that hostile environment. Your actions continue to make us proud. We all keep our Iraq troopers in our prayers.   


A warm thank you for the families of our Iraq  Troopers - they hold the family together, bring comfort to each other and support their loved ones who are deployed.  We join them in their prayers for a safe return from combat.


I recently read an article which had some great thoughts  which I would like to share:


A Veteran--whether active duty, retired, or national guard or reserve-is someone who, at one point in his ,or her, life, wrote a blank  check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of  "up to and including my life."  That is Honor, and there are way too many people in  this country who no longer understand it.


Be assured that all the veterans of the 12th Cavalry Regiment  understand this  and that makes us proud to stand tall with our fellow soldiers.


God Bless and Take Care. 


James W. Dingeman
Colonel USA(R)
Honorary Colonel of the 12th Cavalry Regiment

Memorial Day 2007 


On this day we honor all  who served and remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting for our country and their combat comrades.  To those who gave their lives so we could live ours and follow our dreams, you are not forgotten.

Stand tall, fellow 12th Cavalry Troopers, you have earned the right to be called true Americans.

God Bless and protect our troopers in Iraq and elsewhere. Keep them in your prayers.  Our young soldiers are strong and courageous and we are proud of them.

Our brotherhood of warriors is where friendship, family, faith, confidence and trust come together to represent the best of our country.  Thank you for your service.


With great respect:

             JAMES W. DINGEMAN
             COLONEL USA(R)

Christmas 2006 


Merry Christmas to the 12th Cavalry family and warmest  greetings to all.

As we celebrate this holiday season,  let us remember our families, our fellow troopers and especially our young men in combat in Iraq.  We honor those who have paid the supreme sacrifice  so that our regiment and our country would endure.  Stand tall and be proud.

As we gather together -let us join hands to support each other and be "Always Ready" to help when needed.

I salute all of you troopers as great Americans, those who have served and those who  continue to serve,  so that our country will always be the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Gob Bless you all and to all a good night. -By the way - Merry Christmas,



James W. Dingeman

Colonel USA (R)

Honorary Colonel 12th Cavalry Regiment

Thanksgiving Day 2006


To All of our 12th Cavalry Family:

As we observe this Thanksgiving Day- let us give thanks for our families, our friends, our fellow members of the brotherhood of troopers and most especially our troopers serving  in Iraq. 

We thank them for keeping our honor bright and serving our country. Keep them in your prayers during this time.  Let us be thankful that we still have men and women who serve in our military despite the hardships and dangers involved.

Have a great time and warmest greetings for a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. 



James W. Dingeman
Honorary Colonel 
12th Cavalry Regiment

Veterans Day 2006


Veteran's Day is with us once again and our 12th Cavalry Troopers are moving into combat in Iraq.  Both the 1/12th and 2/12th Battalions have deployed and are in country now.  Keep them in your prayers with the full knowledge that these young men will hold our Colors high just as all you did some years ago.  

On this Veterans Day let us remember our fallen comrades from the brotherhood of soldiers who "gave their all"- we honor them and remember them with pride and heavy hearts. 

Our country and the 12th Cavalry have some tough times ahead -let us go forward with determination to do our part to help our active duty troopers  and our fellow veterans. 

Thank you for your service.  Welcome Home.  Warmest Regards.


James W. Dingeman
Honorary Colonel
12th Cavalry Regiment

Veterans Day 2006


 Veteran's Day is with us once again and our 12th Cavalry Troopers are moving into combat in Iraq.  Both the 1/12th and 2/12th Battalions have deployed and are in country now.  Keep them in your prayers with the full knowledge that these young men will hold our Colors high just as all you did some years ago.  

On this Veterans Day let us remember our fallen comrades from the brotherhood of soldiers who "gave their all"- we honor them and remember them with pride and heavy hearts. 

Our country and the 12th Cavalry have some tough times ahead -let us go forward with determination to do our part to help our active duty troopers  and our fellow veterans. 

Thank you for your service.  Welcome Home.  Warmest Regards.


James W. Dingeman
Honorary Colonel
12th Cavalry Regiment

2/12th Cavalry Deployment


 October 19, 2006

LTC Jim Nickolas
Commanding Officer
2/12th Cavalry


On the eve of your deployment to Iraq, I send on behalf of the Regiment warmest greetings to the "Thunderhorse" 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry and express our trust in your ability to perform your tasks in an exemplary manner. 

We veterans of the Regiment are confident that the young soldiers of today are bright, alert and dedicated will uphold our legacy with distinction, courage and determination.

We are proud of you -  Keep Alert - Take of each other - Fight as a team and always remember that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

We are aware that it is a tough situation over there.

God Bless and be "Always Ready"


James W. Dingeman
Colonel USA (R)
Commanding Officer
2/12th Cavalry - Vietnam 1968-69
Honorary Colonel 12th Cavalry Regiment

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9475 Oxley Road Athens, Ohio 45701

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